List of plants in the Bible

These plants are mentioned in The Bible. Some gardens are planted with them to make a garden with a Biblical theme - a Biblical garden.

Plant Reference
Most likely Rubus sanctus blackberry bush Abraham's Bush (Vitex agnus-castus L.; Lamiaceae) Exodus 3:2
Acacia, Spirale (Acacia raddiana Savi) Exodus 25:10
Acacia, tortilis Acacia, Negev (Acacia gerrardii Bentham subsp. negevensis) Exodus 37:17
Algum Tree traditionally red sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus)white sandalwood - (Santalum album) scandal wood, a few claim it is juniper (Juniperus excelsa [Heb., ’al·gum·mim? (2 Chronicles 2:8; 9:10, 11); ’al·mug·gim? 1 Kings 10:11, 12)]
Almond (Amygdalus communis) [Heb., luz (Ge 30:37); sha·qedh? "keeping awake" Genesis 43:11.
Almug Tree(Trerocarpus santalimus)
Aloe (Aquilaria agallocha) Proverbs 7:17
Maybe but doubtfully, Aloe, Aloe succotrina. Proverbs 7:17
Anemone (Anemone coronaria L.; Ranunculaceae) Matthew 6:28
Anise (Dill) (Anethum graveolens) Exodus 30:34
Apple (Malus domestica.) [Heb., tap·pu?ach]. Arabic is tuffah. To change a p to Letter f in Hebrew there's a dot changed The word itself indicates that which is distinguished by its fragrance, or scent. It comes from the root na·phach?, meaning "blow; pant; struggle for breath." (Gen 2:7; Job 31:39; Jer 15:9) Regarding this, M. C. Fisher wrote: "Relationship [to na·phach?] seems at first semantically strained, but the ideas of ‘breathe’ and ‘exhale an odor’ are related. The by-form puah means both ‘blow’ (of wind) and ‘exhale a pleasant odor, be fragrant.’"-Proverbs 25:11.
Barley (Hordeum spp.) Numbers 5:15
Bdellium(Commiphora africana) - [Heb., bedho?lach]. Numbers 11:7
Beans (Vicia faba) Ezekiel 4:9
Box tree(Boxus sempervirens) Isaiah 41:19
Boxthorn (Lycium europaeum) Proverbs 22:5
Bramble (Rubus ulmifolius) Judges 9:15
Cane (Arundo donax) Isaiah 43:24 Jeremiah 6:20
Broom, Spiny (Calycotome villosa (Poiret) Psalm 120:4
Broom, White (Retama raetam (Forssk.) Webb) 1 Kings 19:4, Psalm 120:4
Broom, Yellow (Spartium junceum) Psalm 120:4
Bulrush (Typha spp.) or Papyrus (Cyperus papyrus) Exodus 2:3
Burning Bush (Loranthus acaciae) Exodus 3:1, 2
Caper, Desire (Capparis spinosa L.) 1 Kings 4:33
Camphire (Lawsonia inermis)
Carob or Locust (Ceratonia siliqua) Luke 15:16; Matthew 3:1
"Cassia" (Cinnamomum iners) Exodus 30, Psalm 45:8, Job 42:14
Castor Oil Tree (Jonah's Gourd) - (Ricinus communis L.) Jonah 4
Cedar of Lebanon (Cedrus libani Loud.) 1 Kings 5:10, 2 Kings 19:23
Chamomile (several species) Isaiah 40:6
Chestnut (Plane Tree) (Platanus orientalis L.) Luke 17:5
Chicory (Cichorium spp.) Numbers 9:9
CinnamonCinnamomum zeylanicum Proverbs 7:17
Citron (Etrog) (Citrus medica L.)
Cockle (Agrostemma gitago) Isaiah 28:23
Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) Exodus 16:31
Cotton (Gossypium herbaceum) Esther 1:5
Crocus (Crocus sativus) Song of Solomon 4:13
Crown Daisy (Chrysanthemum sp.) Isaiah 40:6
Crown of Thorns (Paliurus spina-christi) Mark 15:15
Cucumber (Cucumis melo) Numbers 11:5
Cumin (Cumimum cyminum) Isaiah 28:27
Cypress (Cupressus sempervirens L.) Isaiah 44:14
Date Palm (Phoenix dactylifera) Song of Solomon 5:11; 7:7, 8, John 12:13
Dill (Anethum graveolens) Exodus 30:34
Dove's Dung (Ornithogalum narbonense) 2 Kings 6:25
Fig (Ficus carica L.) Joel 1:7
Fitches (Black Cumin) (Nigella sativa) Isaiah 28:23
Flax (Linum usitatissimum) Proverbs 31:13
Flowers 1 Kings 7:26
Frankincense (Boswellia thurifers) Matthew 2:10, 11
Galbanum - Fennel (Ferula galbaniflua) Gospel of Matthew 23:23
Gall (Papaver somniferum) Book of Lamentations 3:19
Garlick /Garlic (Allium sativum) Numbers 11:5
Grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) Genesis 9:20
Hemlock (Conium maculatum) Amos 6:12
Henna (Lawsonia inermis L.) Song of Solomon 1:14
Hyssop Leviticus 14:52
Incense (Boswellia sacra) Hosea 4:13
Judas Tree (Cercis siliquastrum) Matthew 27:3
Jujube (Ziziphus spina-christi (L.) Desf) Matthew 27:3
Leeks (Allium porrum) Numbers 11:5
Lentils (Lens esculenta) 2 Samuel 17:28
Lily (Iris palaestina) 1 Kings 7:22
Lily Sand (Pancratium maritimum L.) 1 Kings 7:19
Linen (Linum usitatissimum) Exodus 35:25
Mallow (Atriplex halimus L.) Job 30:4
Mandrake (Mandragora autumnalis) Bertol) Genesis 30:15
Manna (Alhagi camelorum) Numbers 11:7
Marjorum (Origanum majorana) Leviticus 14:4
Mint Matthew 23:23
Mulberry, Black (Morus nigra L.) Luke 17:5
Mustard (Brassica nigra) Matthew 13:31
Myrrh (Possible) - (Commiphora abyssinica Engl.) Song of Solomon 4:6
Myrtle (Myrtus communis L.) Isaiah 55:13
Nard (Nardosyachys jatamansi) Song of Solomon 4:13
Nettles (Acanthus spinosus) Song of Solomon 4:14
Nigella (Nigella sp.) Isaiah 28:26
Nuts/Pistachio - (Pistacia vera L.) Song of Solomon 6:11
Nuts/Walnut (Juglans regia L.) Song of Solomon 6:11
Oak (Quercus calliprinos Webb) Joshua 24:26
Oak (Quercus ithaburensis Decaisne) Joshua 24:26
Oak (Valonia Oak) (Quercus aegilips) Genesis 35:8
Olive (Olea europaea) Judges 9:9
Onion (Allium cepa) Numbers 11:5
Palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) Song of Solomon 7:8
Aleppo Pine (Pinus halepensis) Isaiah 44:14
Pine Tree (Abies cilicica) 1 Kings, etc.
Plane Tree (Platanus orientalis L.) Ezekiel 31:8
Pomegranate - (Punica granatum) Song of Solomon 7:12 [Heb., rim·mohn?].
Poplar White Psalm 137:2
Reed (See also Cane.) Ezekiel 40:vv.
"Rie" (Rye) Isaiah 28:25
Rockrose Pink Genesis 43:
Rockrose White Genesis 43:11
Rose Wild (Dog Rose) Song of Solomon 2:1
Rue (Ruta graveolens) Luke 11:42
Rush Isaiah 9:14
Saffron Song of Solomon 4:14
Sage - (Salvia sp.) Exodus 37:17
Sage Land of Israel - (Salvia palaestina Bentham) Exodus 37:17
Sage Pungent - (Salvia dominica L.) Exodus 37:17
Sage Three-Leafed (Salvia fruticosa Miller) Exodus 37:17
Sage Jerusalem (Salvia hierosolymitana Boiss) Exodus 37:17
Sage Judean (Salvia judaica Boiss) May referred her in Exodus 37:17
Scarlet (Oak) Leviticus 14:48
Spices (Astrangalus tragacantha) 2 Chronicles 9:1
Spikenard Song of Solomon 4:14(Nardostachys jatamansi)[Heb., nerd; Gr., nar?dos].
Stacte or Storax (Styrax officinalis or Liquidambar orientalis) Exodus 30:34
Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum narbonense) 2 Kings 6:25
Sweet Cane (Saccharum officinarum) Jeremiah 6:20
Sweet Flag or Aromatic Cane (Acorus sp.) Isaiah 43:23
Sycamine (Mulberry) (Morus sp.) Luke 17:5
Tamarisk - [Hebrew, ’e?shel]. Genesis 21:33(Tamarix aphylla)
Tares thought to mean darnel (Lolium temulentum),[1][2] Matthew 13:24
Terebinth (Pistacia palaestina Boiss) 2 Samuel 18:9
Thistle Golden 2 Chronicles 25:18
Thistles Job 31:40
Thorns Jeremiah 4:3
Thyine wood - (Tetraclinis articulata) Revelation 18:12
Timber 2 Kings 12:12
Tulip Sharon Maybe referred to in Song of Solomon 2:1
Vine - Grape (Vitis vinifera) Isaiah 5:1
Walnut - (Juglans regia) - may well have been walnut trees refer in The Song of Solomon 6:11 Genesis 43:11
Wheat - (Heb., chit·tah?; Gr., si?tos) Ezra 7:22
Wheat, Egyptian, (Triticum compositum) Which is cultivated in ancient Egypt, & can still be encountered there, has several ears per stalk. Ge 41:22, 23.
Willows Job 40:22
Wine Proverbs 4:17
Wormwood (Artemisia absinthium) Revelation 8:10
Wreath 1 Corinthians 9:25


  1. ^ Liddell H G and Scott R, A Greek-English Lexicon, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1843–1996, under "ζιζάνια". The plural form (Zizania) has in modern times been adopted as the botanical name for wild rice.
  2. ^ Thayer's Lexicon: ζιζάνια

External links Biblical Botanical Gardens Society USA